Oct 20, 2022

1950 U.S. Census - Paul Sevald Family in Chicago, Illinois

 In the U.S., to protect the privacy of individual citizens, by law census records are not released until 72 years have passed. This year, 2022, the 1050 census was released to the public.

April 4, 1950 my grandparents, Paul and Dagmar Sevald are living in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Their address is 2420 N. California. My uncle Arnold is still at home while my mother Grace has married just six months earlier.

• line 8 Sevald, Paul, head, white, male, 55, married, born in Norway, naturalized citizen, worked 40 hours in the last week, machinist in a tool and die shop

• line 9 Sevald, Dagmar, wife, white, female, 49, married, born in Norway, naturalized citizen, worked 40 hours in the last week, assembler in a radio factory

• line 10 Sevald, Arnold, son, white, male, 24, never married, born in Illinois, worked 40 hours last week, assistant supervisor, paper mill

It is good to note how many people are now working as opposed to the 1940 census which was done during the "Great Depression" and pre U.S. entry in WWII. 

**click on photos to enlarge for easier viewing**