just so you know...........
Ranae's Norwegian Family Heritage is about my research, thoughts and memories of my Scandinavian family. I would love to hear what you think about my blog. Likes? Dislikes? Comments? Corrections? Are you family? Perhaps you have more stories, information, photos you could share? Please use the comment box on the bottom left of this blog.
The photographs and information about my family that I have posted, of course, may be copied by other family members for their personal use so that our family history is passed on. They may not be taken for any commercial use. Ranae's Norwegian Family Heritage is on a free Google sponsored blog site. It does not have any form of sponsored or paid advertising. If I blog about a genealogical product, book, event or speaker it is because I personally found it enjoyable or useful and thought I would share. The opinion is only mine and I was not compensated for it. I make every effort to link to appropriate sites and give credit where due.
Finally............As we all are, I am the sum total of my upbringing, culture, education, generation, occupation, faith, life experiences etc. In other words my family history is interpreted, and this blog is written from my perspective alone. No offense is intended, nor am I "wrong" or are you "wrong", if we each remember or interpret the same family event differently. Hey, start your own blog!