Oct 1, 2021

1947 Trip to Norway

Grace poses on the deck of the Stavangerfjord. I love seeing the old New York skyline in the distance in photo number one and Grace posing on the steps leading up to the "first class only" deck. Didn't fool me Mom, I know you traveled second class!

1947 - It has been two years since the end of WWII and the liberation of Norway. During the war the American Sevald family had no word of the fate of their family in Nazi occupied Norway. All survived the war but Dagmar's younger brother had recently died of leukemia. Arnold Sevald spent WWII in the Navy and also survived the war.

They sail on the Stavangerfjord to visit family. This is the last time they will travel together back to Norway as a family group. Grandma Dagmar told me she longed to stay in Norway. She suggested that to Arnold and Grace. Their reply? "We're Americans Mom, we're going home".

**click on photos to enlarge for easier viewing**