

In a past post I told the story of a Thanksgiving long ago. The story of the first Thanksgiving after my Mom died. "Uncle Arnold saves Thanksgiving" can be read HERE. As Thanksgiving arrives this Thursday I wanted to share why Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday.  It is a holiday that can be celebrated however you wish and you are never judged on it. 

I love Thanksgiving most of all for all the stress it doesn't impose. 

in no particular order...

Of course it has to be Turkey. Our family feast is baked turkey, with mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, stuffing, green bean casserole and always always French Silk  and Apple pies from Bakers Square.  If someone feels like throwing in a special new be it, but there is never stress over the menu. No obligation to bake all sorts of goodies or look up new ideas for the meal. It is comforting to know exactly what is expected and exactly how to do it.

 I already have done the majority of my Christmas gift shopping. I hate the crowds, the begging on every street corner by charities, the worry about the "right" gift. The expense that maybe you don't need but HAVE to participate in.  At Thanksgiving just your presence at the table is enough. You are there because they want  you, only you.

Thanksgiving is just eat, eat lots and relax. Watching  a game on TV, fine, but mainly just loll around waiting for your stomach to recover before you dig into the French Silk and Apple pies. No obligatory and exhausting cookie exchanges, decorating the house, carolling, extra visiting, church services, work parties, neighbor parties, etc. etc. etc.

Celebrate with children or grandchildren or friends or in-laws, whoever you can get together with that particular year. It would be great to get everyone together but everyone understands that isn't always possible and there is no guilty demand to see and visit each and every close and remote relative and friend you ever had. We all know we care about each other. 

Whether those around your table are Jew, Christian, Muslim, Agnostic. All are welcome and since no holy occasion is being celebrated no one is preaching, arguing or pointing fingers about the correct way to do the holiday. We are all just thankful we made it another year and here we are together!

Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, where we gather together, eat together, relax together, be thankful  for what we have together and that is more than enough for me.

Happy Thanksgiving!