
The war in Vietnam and Mom's gift

For those of us labeled "baby Boomers" (those born 1945-1960) the war in Vietnam is probably the most pivotal, important and disastrous event that defined us as a generation. It also forever defined for me the woman that my mother was.

Mom was a devout Christian and patriotic American. She belonged to a Republican womans group. As a member of "The Greatest Generation" her husband, brother and contemporaries had willingly gone to war to fight for their country and the liberation of Europe during World War II. She told me stories of how she, working as a secretary in New York, spent lunch hours with other girls at the train station passing out sandwiches and encouragement to young soldiers on the troop trains heading off to war. She was ultra conservative and a true believer of "my country right or wrong". Your country called? You went.

The war in Vietnam dragged on and on. This was also the first war that came to you on television in close to real time. By the late sixties we no longer just saw Father knows Best or I Love Lucy. We saw burning villages, burning people and scores of body bags. And why? Many of us just were not so sure anymore. The questions became arguments. The arguments became protests. The protests and demonstrations became larger, more vocal, more violent. 

 Local draft boards made the decisions on classifying the young men. Deferments were given to those going to college or those that were married or the sons of local politicians and friends. The inequities were obvious. The rich almost exclusively did not go to war. The minorities, poor, working class and middle class alone were called to duty. Some boys arrested for minor crimes were given the option of a stiff sentence or enlisting. Add to that; a boy could be drafted and die at 18 but he could not vote or even marry without the consent of one of his parents until the age of 21. The average age of the soldier in Vietnam was 19. In the mid sixties President Lyndon Johnson was sending hugh numbers of ground troups.  In 1969 most of the deferments ended and a draft lottery began.  There were still lots of inequities.

December 1, 1969; 366 blue capsules containing each day in the year were mixed and drawn in order. The first capsule drawn was September 14. If you were a male between the age of 19 and 26 and born on that day you were the first to be called for induction. The plan was that each year a similar lottery would take place for those who would be inducted the following year.* 

In 1970 I graduated from high school. My boyfriend had graduated the year before. It was his turn in the lottery. In the first lottery, which contained many more young men that this lottery would, numbers up to 195 were called in for physicals. He drew number 159. His mother cried. Two other friends were given numbers 2 and 3. They wasted no time enlisting in the Navy and Marines, hoping they could at least avoid being one of the ground troops.

The war in Vietnam totally changed our generation. Many older Americans also became more suspicious and cynical about the workings of government. Many young men became objectors some even leaving for Canada or Mexico. Initially they were referred to as "draft dodgers" but soon many parents also did not want to "be the first one on your block to have your son come home in a box"**.
My boyfriend who was from a poor immigrant family did not even have that option. In summer he was called in for his physical. They classified him 1-A.

I know it seems this story is mainly about the Vietnam years of my life, and it is, but I don't wish to be preaching pro or con. History will sort all that out.  I have the highest regard for those that gave service to our country and will also pay honor to the 56,000 young men that gave their all. The purpose of this story however is to tell you about my mother.

Mom came to me one evening and spoke to me alone.
"Ranae, you know the file cabinet next to Dad's desk? Halfway back is a folder. In there Is some money and a piece of paper. On that paper is the name and address of a cousin of mine in Canada. It is not right that so many do not have the same choices. If he wants to go, you give that to him, my cousin will help him." and then she added.."if you feel you have to go with him maybe it's better if I don't know. You are my daughter and I might try to stop you."  I nodded but said nothing. We never spoke of it again.

Richard Nixon promised in his 1968 campaign for president to end the draft. On June 30th 1971 the draft law expired so there were no calls or inductions in July, August or September, Nixon, hoping to win support for the war from the middle class went back on his word and on September 28, 1971 signed the bill extending the draft.*** Officials hoped the inductions would resume as soon as October but admitted most likely the number of calls for the year would be low. 125 was the highest number called. 

I never looked for that folder until after my Mom's death in 1975. It was not there. I really don't know if my boyfriend would even have left but I will love my Mom forever for giving him the choice.

The boyfriend is now my husband of 44 years and to this day he says that his favorite president will always be "Tricky Dick" whose campaign "promise" kept him out of Vietnam.