
Beautiful Norway, Why would anyone leave her?

Norway. Just the name gives me a sense of peace. My maternal grandparents came from Norway and settled in Chicago in the early years of the 20th century. My grandmother returned, after the death of my grandfather, to enjoy her remaining years in and ultimately die in Norway. I totally understand why. I visited her in her home in Skien, Norway three times. Welcoming and generous people, general economic prosperity, universal health care and unbelievably beautiful landscape. I have to admit a pang of jealousy of those children and grandchildren of my grandparents siblings. What a wonderful place to live. But things were very different at the time of my grandparents emigration. Let's be realistic, I would not exist if they had not emigrated. Nor my children or totally adored grandchildren. "If wishes were horses.." huh? Besides, for better and worse, I am way way too "American" to ever fit in.

I would like to share this great article that explains perfectly why grandma and grandpa and many many others chose to leave Norway for the uncertainty of life in a new country.
click here→   Peace-Potatoes-and-Pox-Norwegian-Emigration-in-the-1800s

Skien Church in the hometown of my grandparents, 
Skien, Telemark, Norway (unknown photographer)

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