Dec 20, 2015

1900 Norwegian National Census - Anders Sevaldsen Family Fredrikshald, Østfold, Norway

This Sunday I explore a census record and list the genealogical clues it contains (or doesn't)

Norwegian National Census of 1900
Fredrikshald, Østfold, Norway

This census was not easy to find. This is my grandfather Paul with his first two siblings and his parents. It was not easy to find because his parents were missionaries and traveled all about Norway until the family finally settled in Skien, Telemark, Norway.

Paul Sevald in 1900       
From this census I learned or can now verify

* In 1900 the family lived at 799a13 Ouskleven Street in Fredrikshald, Norway and the longest they could have lived there is 3 years assuming they moved there immediately after the birth of their third child Karen Sally
* The birth year of each family member and Paul is the oldest of 3
* Anders is a missionary for the Seventh Day Adventist Church, a movement begun in America but now spreading throughout Scandinavia
* Each child was born in a different town which means they traveled for the church frequently and Anders was most likely converted before he met Anne Marie since she was born on the opposite side of Norway from his birth
*I now know in which fylke Anders and Anne Marie were born and can begin the search for their parents and family. Unfortunately the next earlier national census in Norway was in 1865 and Anne Marie was born in 1871. Anders however will likely be found in the 1865 census.
*Anders and Anne Marie are married (g=gift), likely in 1893
*They are not well off financially as they share living quarters with another family (who appear also to be SDA) and it is no more than an annex to a farmhouse
*They are more modern city folk as all carry the same surname (the children are not carrying the patronymic Anderson or Andersdatter). Sevald may be the name of Anders father or it could even have been his grandfather. We therefore also don't have a clue as to Anne Marie's birth family except they are most likely found in Solum
*Sevald, the surname Paul carried in America was shortened from Sevaldsen.

***note of 20 February 2025 - Ten years later I have found many more ancestors of my grandfather Paul. This census record however was a great start!