My grandmother Dagmar is the one who started me on my family history journey. When I visited her in Norway she would show me pictures of family members and tell me their stories. I don't think she ever realized that to me her story would be the most interesting of all. She was born on this day in 1900 and died in 1991. What she saw and the changes that took place in that century! Coming from a small farming community, born on the same farm her family had occupied since the mid 1600's, she was born into changing times. Willingly she left it all, for a different life, hopefully a better life, in America. She WAS the story of the American immigrant.
Eidanger, Telemark, Norway - the parish birth and baptismal record of my grandmother
Dagmar Gundersen Sevald 10 June 1900 - 12 June 1991
*click on document to enlarge for easier reading* |
#26 born June 10, 1900 and baptized in the Norwegian Lutheran Church on July 15, 1900, Dagmar is the legitimate daughter of Nils Gundersen and his wife Gunhild Marie Olsen, both born in 1875 and residing on the farm Øvald. Her sponsors or godparents are Josephine Olsen Porsgrund, Gunda Gundersen Øvald, Peder Hansen Porsgrund and Jens Gundersen Øvald.
Happy Birthday Grandma!