Jun 5, 2016

1910 Norwegian National Census - Paul Sevaldsen in Verdal, Nord Trøndelag

1910 - my grandfather Paul is working as farm labor on the farm Stubskind Østre in Værdalen, Nord Trøndelag, Norway. Why did grandpa Paul emigrate to America? One of the factors involved in his decision to leave Norway becomes evident here, in this census.

*click to enlarge for easier viewing* 
Paul's paternal uncle Ole is the owner and head of the farm. Uncle Ole lives with his wife Oline Halvorsdatter, his sons Sevald, Harald and Olav and his daughters Margit and Gudlaug. The older sons Sevald and Harald are 16 and 17 ( same age as my grandfather Paul) and are also listed as farm workers.
Here's the rub. 
Paul is listed only by his first and middle name, NOT Sevaldsen. Paul's father Anders,  as the oldest son, by Norwegian custom should have inherited this farm after the death of his father, Sevald Andersen, who died in 1900. Anders denied his heritage to become a missionary for the Seventh Day Adventists. See the "fl" after the place of Paul's birth? That symbolizes him as a lodger who is related to the owner of the farm. A lodger. The farm went to Ander's younger brother Ole. Ole's son Sevald will in turn inherit the farm after him.  Paul, due to the choices of his zealot father, will get nothing.