Jan 5, 2018

A New Year and New Cousins! The Gundersen Family Genealogy Group on Facebook

2017 ended on a great note.

I never cared a lot for Facebook. Who cares where a remote acquaintance is at this very moment or what they had for dinner or who they voted for. I finally hopped on board when I found out I could do so incognito and just sign up for groups that were helpful to me in my family history pursuits. They were very helpful and that was reason enough to join Facebook.

One day I was found out! Good thing too. A second cousin in Norway sent a friend request. How could I refuse? Well, this cousin had joined me to a Facebook genealogy page for the descendants of my Norwegian great grandparents. Now I was out there I guess and you know what? Within 48 hours I had oodles of more cousins! Cousins who all were thrilled to share old family photos and memories. This was particularly precious to me.  I was 7 when my great grandmother died and 10 when my great grandfather passed yet I had never met them. Of the seven children of my great grandparents only my grandmother had emigrated to the US. All these cousins had memories and photos of the great grandparents I had never met. Plus much more.

How great was that? Should anyone ask me now what I think about using Facebook for Genealogy? 

Some helpful sites