Nov 27, 2017

Great Grandmother - Anne Marie Sevaldsen

Anne Marie Høyset 1871-1909
This lovely lady is my great grandmother, Anne Marie. This is the only close up photo I have of her. She was the mother of my maternal grandfather Paul. He was her firstborn. I never knew her, nor did my mother and I don't recall my grandfather ever speaking of her. She died young, as many women did back in the day, during the birth of her seventh child.  I do think that her life as a missionary wife was difficult. They moved often, their children born in all different areas of Norway and they most likely were poor. Was her hair red curly and unmanageable as mine? It appears so and I would wish it so. I would also like to think she was kind. Her eyes look kind don't they? My grandfather was a very kind and loving person. Perhaps it was she that passed that trait to him?

my great grandmother
Anne Marie Pedersdatter-Høyset Sevaldsen
b: 31 Mar 1871 Solum, Telemark, Norway
d: 14 Apr 1909  Hadsel, Nordland, Norway