Aug 10, 2024

1937 Visit to Skien, Telemark, Norway


On a 1937 visit to my grandmothers family in Norway my grandfather, Paul Sevald, poses with his father-in-law Nils and two of his brothers-in-law, Frithjof and Sigvold.

Jun 21, 2024

Johannes Johannesen signs a contract to go to Chicago.

Emigrating from Norway to America was a fairly involved process. The Norwegian emigrant would sign a contract with an agent. That agent would, for a price, arrange the trip every step of the way, from Norway to England to the U.S. and to the final destination. They would meet the emigrant at the takeoff point giving them instructions and tickets for each step of the journey. An additional agent would meet the emigrant at each stop along the way insuring a safe and correct journey to the final destination.

This is the contract signed by my cousins grandfather, Johannes Johannesen, 22 years old. He was known in Chicago as John Johnson. As kids I remember him as "Old Man Johnson".

CUNARD LINIEN (The Cunard Steam Ship Co. Ltd.
and passengers listed below regarding Carriage
to Chicago (Cook) Illinois for Kr. 199.00
and Johannes Johannesen age 22

I, Ivar Grotte, Chief Agent for Cunard Linien, hereby undertake to convey the persons mentioned herein to the Determining Office for the above-mentioned Sum, which I acknowledge to have received as full payment.

The journey must take place as follows:

1. From Bergen on 6/3 1907 on or about with Midship Steamer in Mellemdæk to Hull.

2. By rail from there to Liverpool.

3. By Midship Steamer from Liverpool to New York.

4. By Rail from New York to Place of Destination.

Bergen on 5/3 1907

signed Ivar Grotte

Presented at the Police Chamber on 5 March 1907 for the Chief of Police
Official stamp and signature of the Police Chamber

Note that 199 krone would buy approx. $53 dollars worth of goods in 1907. A hefty amount no doubt for a poor Norwegian.

Johannes Severin Johannessen (John Johnson)
b. 7 Sep 1884 Sandviken, Bergen, Norway
d. 8 Jun 1971 Chicago, Cook, Illinois USA

**click on contract to enlarge for easier viewing on your computer**

p.s. If Johannes had left Norway a decade or so later his journey would have been less involved as Norwegian steamships left for the New World directly from Norway eliminating the need to first travel to Liverpool for a cross Atlantic trip.

Jun 13, 2024

Norway Timeline: A Journey Through Norwegian History

I am always interested to know a bit more of the history of  Norway to perhaps understand better the lives of my Norwegian ancestors.  

An article written by David Nikel from his "Life in Norway" blog. 
I follow and highly recommend his informative and interesting blog.

Jun 10, 2024

Happy Birthday Grandma Dagmar!

Today I remember my grandmother with love. One hundred and twenty four years ago today Dagmar was born. She was the second child of Nils Gundersen and Gunhild Marie Olsdatter. In the earliest photo I have of her, she is pictured here with her mother Gunhild Marie and her older sister Gudrun. 

Dagmar Gundersen Sevald
b. 10 June 1900 Eidanger, Telemark, Norway
d. 12 June 1991 Skien, Telemark, Norway

   Happy Birthday Grandma!

Jun 4, 2024

Smallpox Vaccination of Nilia Josephine Gundersdatter

This certificate was to confirm the vaccine of my great grandfather's oldest sister Nilia. 

'Nilia Josefine born in Eidanger of the parents Gunder Nilsen and Marie Andersdaughter living in Herregårdstrand ¾ years old is by me signed the year 1866 on the 19th august inoculated with smallpox virus. On studying carefully between day 7 to day 9 after the inoculation of smallpox I have found all signs confirming that these smallpox are genuine, they were unbroken without any damage and filled with a clear liquid surrounded by a red circle.
Nilia Josephine has then participated in this vaccine-campaign for children smallpox hereby on honor and conscience witnessed by K. Olsen and presented to me on the 30th august 1866'
signed: Johs Flood vicar

In December 1801, the first vaccination against smallpox in Norway took place. Vaccine material came from Denmark, England, Ireland, and other countries; it was also obtained from a few local cowpox cases. The Church of Norway (Lutheran) required that the date of innoculation be presented on confirmation. 

Here is the record of Nilia's confirmation on 3 October 1880. It lists her date of birth and baptism, her parents, where born and now live and the date of her innoculation 19th August 1866. It is also noted that she finished with a grade of Excellent!

my Great Grand Aunt
Nilia Josephine Gundersdatter
b. 25 September 1865 in Eidanger, Telemark, Norway
d. 19 November 1916 in Porsgrund, Telemark, Norway

**click on photos to enlarge for easier viewing**

May 28, 2024

Photo of my 3X great grandfather Nils Jensen of Eidanger, Norway?

A lovely old photo found in the possession of an aged cousin. Circa mid 1800's judging by the gentleman's clothing. Why had the family saved this photo? Saved through more than a couple of generations. Most likely an ancestor, but who? Another cousin has guessed it to be our third great grandfather Nils Jensen (1812-1897), but he admits honestly that was just a "shot in the dark".  This ancestor? proudly posed and paid for a studio portrait. In remembrance of a special occasion or just for the family to have a remembrance of him? We likely will never now know. It saddens me but I too will keep this photo of someone who likely? perhaps? maybe never? was part of our family. Whoever he is, I feel I owe him at least that much.

Another reminder to mark every photo with name, date and place.
Someone, somewhere. someday, just may want to know.

**click on photos to enlarge for easier viewing**